Saturday, January 30, 2010

Google adds 'click to call'

Google has enabled a “click-to-call” service in AdWords on mobile smartphones so users can call numbers in mobile ads, according to a blog post. In an handy Youtube tutorial called Mobile [Ad]itude (*groan*), Meredith Papp from the Google Mobile Ads team discussed the new feature:

“We’re launching click-to-call phone numbers on ads that appear on mobile devices with full Internet browsers. For advertisers, this means that users who search on Google will be able to click-to-call your business right from your ad, just like they can click to visit your website.”

Advertisers can also check the results by selecting the filter and view drop down menu on the campaigns page, choose segment by click type and call data will appear below.
Click-to-call is far from a new idea for Google as it launched the service for Google Maps way back in 2006. But Google claimed that project was just an experiment.

Perhaps Google had a long term plan all along and was simply testing the methodology, knowing that mobile advertising would become such an exponentially lucrative marketplace in 2010 for its forthcoming mobile communications business. But we doubt that

Reference :  theinquirer

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wit increasing use of smart phones tis click-to-call ad by google is a gud marketing trick to get into customer's mind.

February 8, 2010 at 6:50 PM  

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