Monday, October 19, 2009

Text - marquee codes for bloggers Part II

 Text - marquee codes for bloggers Part II

Previous section we saw some basic marquee tags . Now in this section we see some of the behavior of the marquee tags . controlling its speed , position etc..

Example 4: 

Alternative behavior:

example - tech shares

copy the following code to make this kind of activity


<marquee behavior="alternate" bgcolor="#9999cc" direction="left">example - tech shares </marquee><b>

Example 5:

Limit speed:

example - tech shares

this code will control the speed of the marquee


<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left" bgcolor="#9999CC" scrollamount="2">example - tech shares </marquee>

Example 6:

Wallpapers , Template , Themes , Blogger Etc are updated

this code will stop the line,  when mouse is placed on the line

<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="3"> Wallpapers , Template , Themes , Blogger Etc are updated

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